Respite Services

Individuals providing full-time support to children and adults with disabilities occasionally need a respite, or time away, to attend to other matters.  Whether time is needed to run errands, take a vacation or attend appointments, Hillcroft’s Respite Services provide trained staff on a short-term basis to support participants while the primary caregiver is unavailable.  Respite Services are typically provided in the family’s home but may also take place in community settings.

Hillcroft’s Respite Services are offered through the Medicaid Waiver program. Hillcroft does not maintain a waiting list for these services as individuals with Medicaid Waiver funding are considered for situations that would be appropriate and would meet their needs. In non-emergency situations, Hillcroft is able to begin providing Respite services within two weeks of an approved Medicaid Waiver budget. Services may be able to begin immediately in emergency situations.

Hillcroft’s Respite Services are coordinated by Home & Community Program Supervisors and are provided by direct support professionals (DSP’s) who receive initial and ongoing training including:

  • CPR and First Aid,
  • Medication Administration,
  • Prevention of Abuse and Neglect,
  • Positive Behavior Supports,
  • Aggression Management,
  • Individualized participant training, 24-Hours of job shadowing with a previously trained staff member,
  • And quarterly Behavior Management training for staff who provide support to participants receiving Behavior Support Services.

Respite Service eligibility and funding is provided through the Bureau of Developmental Disability Services (765-288-6516).

There currently is a waiting list for new Medicaid Waiver services through the Bureau of Developmental Disability Services.

If interested in learning more about Hillcroft’s Home & Community Services, contact:

LeAnne Cole
Chief HCBS Officer
(765) 284-4166